You Need A Skirt Suit For Fall

What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and sweater.

It’s my favorite time of the year! It’s time for the grown-up girl’s version of back to school shopping. Fall fashion is always a huge shopping trigger.

Whats on trend this fall?

Fall is all about the power blazer and matching prints. You need a skirt suit for fall. Oversized shoulders are also in.

Fall tones are masculine and earthy. A classic fabric cut into an slightly oversized jacket and paired with a mini skirt is an easy way to update your fall wardrobe. This skirt suit is a great way to borrow from the boys.

What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric, this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and a sweater.

What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric, this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and a sweater.

What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric this blazers pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and sweater.What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric, this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and a sweater. What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric, this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and a sweater. It's my favorite time of the year! It's time for the grown-up girls version of back to school shopping. Fall fashion is always a huge shopping trigger. What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric this blazers pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and sweater. What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric, this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and a sweater.

What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric, this blazer pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and a sweater.It's my favorite time of the year! It's time for the grown-up girls version of back to school shopping. Fall fashion is always a huge shopping trigger. What to wear to work and beyond. A skirt suit feels fresh for fall. With a classic houndstooth fabric this blazers pairs effortlessly with jeans and loafers. The mini skirt also looks great with boots and sweater.

I just ordered this suit from & Other Stories and I love it! It was my first ordering experience with them. I found so many key fall pieces that are inline my desire to create a wardrobe capsule. I say consider adding this houndstooth skirt suit to your fall shopping checklist. It combines power blazer look with the matching mini and it’s easy to mix and match.

PS. I’m also making a case for getting a spray tan. 😉 I just had my first one. Have you ever tried it? It really helped my legs look much better. The one fashion regret I’ve heard older women say is that they wish they had worn short skirts while they could’ve. It seems the one piece of clothing with a ticking clock is the mini, so what are we waiting for? Opt for a spray tan and mini skirt while we can.

Happy Fall Shopping! Thanks for visiting 🙂

Love Jean

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