Make Delicious Charred Broccoli

Awesome Broccoli in 8 minutes and with 3 ingredients

Charred broccoli is yet another happy accident in the kitchen. My first instinct was to write it off as burned, but then I realized this was the best thing that could happen to broccoli. It was charred, crispy and all-out delicious. The texture and flavor are surprisingly good. The best part is that it only takes 8 minutes to cook and 2–3 minutes to prep. You really could cook as much or as little as you like, for a big family dinner or as a small side dish for lunch.

Make Delicious Charred Broccoli in 8 minutes with 3 ingredients. Make Delicious Charred Broccoli in 8 minutes with 3 ingredients. Make Delicious Charred Broccoli in 8 minutes with 3 ingredients. Make Delicious Charred Broccoli in 8 minutes with 3 ingredients.

Ingredients & Instructions

Broccoli, Seasoning, and Olive oil

I place tin foil on a baking tray so that I don’t have to clean up after.

Set broil on 525.

  1. Clean and cut broccoli into similar size pieces.
  2. Toss with olive oil and seasoning salt Borsari is my fav.
  3. Broil for 8 minutes ( watch and see if it’s getting too chared for your tase and toss or flip if you prefer. I personally like it charred and crispy.

Options — Get Creative and Add Bacon

If you want to add bacon, you could easily cook the bacon first in the oven and then use the bacon grease on the same pan to toss the broccoli instead of olive oil. Can you tell I don’t like to mess up too many things in the kitchen? 😉  It’s so good, I almost ate it all before I could finish the pics. Hope you enjoy. Let me know.

Love Jean

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Make Delicious Charred Broccoli in 8 minutes with 3 ingredients.