Fast track your fitness? Yes please
I have been on the hunt for the best workout clothes. I needed to update my go to pieces. I’ve been wearing my Lululemon stuff for years and I got my money’s worth. This look is by Free People and it has amazing quality and unique design. I love it for yoga and cross training. The capris are so soft and flattering with no “see through” issues ladies. Feel free to stretch and bend how ever you like 😉
Are you pinched for time? Do you know about the BeFit channel on Youtube? There are so many great videos to get inspired for an amazing at home workout. Check it out HERE For exercise I try to workout 4 times a week. I prefer to do videos or at home routines. If anyone is interested I can share more of that.
They say it’s 70% food and 30% exercise. I believe it. When I was younger and had more time I would workout for hours. However, I did not pay attention to my diet. I’m constantly learning what works and what doesn’t. We all have different bodies and dietary needs. I want to share what I have discovered recently about mine. I have been on a version of the paleo diet for well over 2 years. For me this means avoid all processed foods. With this diet I experienced a weight loss but my weight has fluctuated. I believe it’s because of my age and that I still have a tendency to eat emotionally. It’s tricky traveling and eating out so I try to be too rigid. My digestive system responds really well to this diet.
I gained weight after Thanksgiving this year and this is how I retaliated.
I stick to 3-5 servings of protein a day, all from fish, meat and eggs.
I go for 8-10 servings of veggies.
I stay away from potatoes. I’d rather have fruit.
I always have at least 3 servings of fruit a day. This counts as my treat. Sometimes I have more than three. For example I love to keep apples and pears in the fridge and cut them up. There is something about the cool temperature that is refreshing and makes it feel like dessert. I ‘m not a nutritionist; but, I have met with a few of them over the years and learned new ideas.
I try to drink 3 liters of water a day and I love to mix in apple cider vinegar in my water. I drank it before every meal to jump start my weight loss and it helped. I’m still drinking it twice a day but not always before I eat. I’m a believer in Kombucka. GT’s is my fav. I love the ginger berry and the original. I find it refreshing and invigorating. Let me know if you have any questions! I’d love to hear what works for you.
Hope everyone is having a fun Super Bowl Sunday! Love, jean